Mental Health Centers (MHC) and Community Health Centers
MHCs & Community Health Centers offer programming at their sites which include: day programs, vocational services, counseling, substance abuse programs. Some also offer housing options as well (i.e. group homes, CILAs)…
Ascension Illinois-MHC Aurora https://healthcare.ascension.org/locations/illinois/ilchi/aurora-ascension-illinois-mental-health-center
Anixter www.anixter.org
Asian Human Services www.ahschicago.org
Community Counseling Centers of Chicago (C4) www.c4chicago.org
Compass Health Center https://compasshealthcenter.net/
Eating Recovery Center www.eatingrecoverycenter.com
Envision Unlimited www.envisionunlimited.org
Heartland Alliance www.heartlandalliance.org
The Kedzie Center www.thekedziecenter.org
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (LSSI) www.lssi.org
Metropolitan Family Services https://www.metrofamily.org/
Sinai Chicago
Rincon Family Services www.rinconfamilyservices.org
SunCloud Health www.suncloudhealth.com
TASC www.tasc.org
Thresholds www.thresholds.org
Trilogy www.trilogyinc.org
Impact Behavioral Health www.impactbehavioral.org
Institute for Therapy through the Arts (ITA) www.itachicago.org
Northwest Center Against Sexual Assault (northwest casa) www.nwcasa.org
Peer Services www.peerservices.org
Yellowbrick www.yellowbrickprogram.com
Ascension Illinois-MHC Melrose Park https://healthcare.ascension.org/locations/illinois/ilchi/melrose-park-ascension-illinois-center-for-mental-health-at-1414-main-st
Rogers Behavioral Health www.rogersbh.org
Turning Point www.tpoint.org
Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) & Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
Many hospitals offer daily programming on an outpatient basis. The amount of time will depend on program and client’s need. PHPs are usually 5 days a week for 4-5 hours per day while IOPs are usually 3-5 days a week for less hours per day
Chicago Behavioral Hospital (Des Plaines) chicagobehavioralhospital.com
Hartgrove Hospital (Chicago) www.hartgrovehospital.com
Riveredge Hospital (Forest Park) www.riveredgehospital.com
Streamwood Behavioral Hospital (Streamwood) www.streamwoodhospital.com
SunCloud Health (Chicago & Northbrook) www.suncloudhealth.com